Nearing the end of its service life, East Ventura was littered with patches, and in some instances, there were patches on the patches. Geotechnical borings indicated a layer of organic material (muck) underneath portions of the roadway. To minimize future maintenance efforts and provide a structurally sound roadway, the rehabilitation efforts in these areas included excavation of the muck and reconstruction of the roadway base, subgrade, and embankment with suitable materials. These areas were then resurfaced with asphalt for the remainder of the roadway for a continuous patch-free surface.
Three other beneficial improvements were made to this road as it traverses through primarily residential areas. The first was the installation of inlets and pipes under the roadway to improve drainage from the road and adjacent properties. This change to the drainage system helps reduce water on the pavement. The second was an improvement of the sidewalk system to bring it into compliance with the current standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The third reestablished pedestrian crosswalks at three of the intersections. All three improvements contribute to the safety of the traveling public and pedestrians.
For more information about this project or to have similar work done, please contact John Glenn at [email protected]