Environmental team Senior Ecologist has successfully completed the U.S. Fish & Wildlife and Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Official Marine Turtle Exterior Lighting course and exam.
Peggy has more than 19 years of professional environmental experience in Southwest Florida. Her experience includes working on projects from the due diligence phase, through environmental permitting, to the post-permitting/monitoring phase. Peggy’s areas of expertise are vegetation mapping (including identifying natural communities and summarizing their native and exotic/invasive vegetation), wetland delineations, protected species surveys (general and species-specific), and environmental resource permitting. She prepares preserve management/mitigation plans to ensure the preserve areas are restored and maintained as natural communities for the benefit of wildlife (including protected species) and the public (if appropriate). The preserve management/mitigation plans include an exotic/invasive vegetation control plan; restoration/enhancement (of vegetation communities or to hydrology) activities; vegetation monitoring methodologies; wildlife monitoring protocols and reporting; and a schedule to implement the components of the management plan.