Johnson Engineering’s annual give back initiative grew out of our belief that our company has an ongoing responsibility to contribute to help positively shape our local community and those who will be the future of our communities. Our search for an organization that matched our belief led us to Our Mother’s Home of Southwest Florida.
This organization provides young mothers, ages 11-21, in foster care and human trafficking systems, a safe, nurturing, and supporting environment to stay with their babies, learn life skills, and finish their education. Their mission is to empower them to break the generational cycle for themselves and their children.
This past Christmas, Johnson Engineering employees donated hundreds of new toys, personal care items, clothing, and household items to the home.
Community support is such an important resource for supporting Our Mother’s Home. Improving their resources will help them empower these young women with knowledge and create a future filled with hope and possibilities.
We are honored to support such an important and impactful cause. For more information about Our Mother’s Home visit their website at, or contact Juli Kern at [email protected].